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R.U. and Jay Interviewed by io9

io9This is a very fun interview by George Dvorsky about the book on io9. Sorry, self-serious Singularitarians. Jay and I both find “the rapture of the nerds” amusing.

io9: How do you respond to people who describe the Singularity as the “Rapture of the Nerds?”

R.U.: I think it’s funny! But I’m also agnostic when it comes to the Singularity. I think that people who are sure that it will happen and those that are sure that it won’t probably have similar character structures but different temperaments.

Jay: It’s a great quip, because it’s got more than a little truth in it. People enthused about any secular ideology will often think and behave in ways similar to religious zealots. I think one of the strengths of our book is that we’re not fanatical believers or cynical naysayers, so it’s a sympathetic look at these topics, but we’re not afraid to raise an eyebrow when we think it’s warranted.

R.U. and Jay on Ground Zero Radio with Clyde Lewis

Ground Zero Radio showOn January 2nd, R.U. and I were interviewed live for two hours on the Ground Zero with Clyde Lewis radio show. Approximately one million listeners heard us answer questions and talk about the book. You can listen to or download the show on SoundCloud, and so far over 16,000 over 19,000 people have already done so. Thanks to Clyde and his staff for a good interview.